RCO Beginnings
Chartered in 1937, the Rotary Club of Orangeville has served our community with energy and dedication. Rotarians are people from all walks of life, living in and around Orangeville, united in our commitment to serve our local community.

The year 1936 found Orangeville without any sort of service club.
Although there had been some discussion of creating an organization here, it took Douglas Howland, a devoted Rotarian from Calgary, Alberta, to finally put the wheels in motion after his arrival in December of that year.
In short order, two or three informal meetings were held. One at least, was in the Department of Agriculture office at which representatives of the Toronto club, namely Alex Ross and William Cairns were present, and another at which George McNab and others from the Guelph club lent their assistance.
Finally on December 15th 1936, an organizational meeting was held in the council chamber, at which it was moved by Will O.C. Ahern, a banker, seconded by Fred Kingshott, a creamery operator, and carried, that the organization of a club be completed. The constitution and by-laws recommended by Rotary International were gone over and adopted on motion of Sheriff Tom Slack, seconded by Dr. Charlie Scott. A motion to apply for a Charter was sponsored by Frank Anderson and Will Ahern and duly carried. A slate of officers which had been prepared by a committee was then presented. On motion of Dem Baltzer, a hardware merchant, seconded by Norm Trower, a service station operator, the nominations were closed and the report of the nominating committee adopted. The men who were thus entrusted to pilot the new venture through its early experience of finding it place and its purpose in its own community had been chosen. The Orangeville Rotary unit had now become a part of a widely spread international company of highly placed men. The slate of officers were as follows:
President…………………….Jack Aiken
Vice-president…………….Dave Evans
Secretary………………..…..Bill Ahern
Treasurer……………………Frank Anderson
Directors…………………….Alex McKitrick, Allan Marshall & Charlie Scott
The time and place chosen for the weekly meetings were Monday 12:15 at the Grand Central Hotel.
The twenty men who were banded together in this new crusade for “Service Above Self” and to whom must be ascribed the honour of starting the club on its career of notable achievements, are listed alphabetically in the secretary’s earliest book as follows:
Bill Ahern, Jack Aiken, Frank Anderson, Dem Baltzer, Jack Beatty, Dave Evans, Nels Evans, Al Grigg, Fred Kingshott, Allan Marshall, Alex McKitrick, Bill Price, Charlie Scott, Tom Slack, Bain Stewart, George Thompson, Norm Trower, Norm Wardlaw, Sam White, John Woodside.
The first regular meeting was held on January 4th 1937, on which day a letter from the International Secretary Chesley R. Perry confirming the admission of the Rotary Club of Orangeville to membership in Rotary International as Club 4096 was dispatched form Chicago head office.
After many weeks of planning and preparation, came the Charter Night, April 19th 1937. Fourteen clubs from the surrounding area sent delegations ranging from one to thirty one, totaling nearly two hundred in attendance on that memorable night. The gathering convened in St. Mark’s Parish Hall where the ladies of he church guild had prepared a splendid banquet. The programme opened with toasts to the King and the President of the United States, and the singing of the national anthems of both countries. President Jack Aiken then extended a formal welcome to District Governor George Barber of Batavia, New York and all visiting Rotarians. It should be noted at that time our club was truly part of an international district with clubs on both sides of the border and with the governor, an American one year and a Canadian the next.
And so began the journey of the Rotary Club of Orangeville, still serving the community with passion and commitment. Service Above Self.
Past Presidents
1st Decade
1937-38 Jack Aiken
1938-39 Dave Evans
1939-40 Alex McKitrick
1940-41 Charlie Scott
1941-42 Bain Stewart
1942-43 Allan Marshall
1943-44 Frank Anderson
1944-45 Doug Fendley
1945-46 Dem Baltzer
1946-47 Al Grigg
2nd Decade
1947-48 Norman Wardlaw
1948-49 Bill Price
1949-50 Nels Evans
1950-51 George Thompson
1951-52 Jim Dods
1952-53 Boris Parkinson
1953-54 Art Gillespie
1954-55 Norman Trower
1955-56 Bruce Matheson
1956-57 Barc McGee
3rd Decade
1957-58 Gordon Bredin
1958-59 Orme Sharpe
1959-60 Jack Grigg
1960-61 Keith Hunter
1961-62 Lloyd Thomson
1962-63 George Judge
1963-64 Maurice Cline
1964-65 Jim Clancy
1965-66 Don Douglas
1966-67 Elgin Laughlin
4th Decade
1967-68 Veryle White
1968-69 James Wardlaw
1969-70 Jack (Doc) Gillies
1970-71 George Dods
1971-72 Wallace Gallagher
1972-73 John Russell
1973-74 James McLauchlan
1974-75 Robert Burnside
1975-76 Edward Ferns
1976-77 John Nieberg
5th Decade
1977-78 Bert Reeve
1978-79 Glen Ledlow
1979-80 Archie McLachlan
1980-81 Ronald Coles*
1981-82 Peter Parkinson
1982-83 Bob McLellan
1983-84 Peter McNair
1984-85 Bob Fowler
1985-86 Charlie Fergus
1986-87 Clem MacLean
6th Decade
1987-88 Gil Gillis
1988-89 Harold Carey
1989-90 Carl Graham
1990-91 John Kallay
1991-92 Lloyd Foley
1992-93 Fred Hill
1993-94 Ronald Coles*
1994-95 Bill James
1995-96 Bob Holden
1996-97 Ken Kerr
7th Decade
1997-98 Lorne Ebel
1998-99 Gerald Cornelisse
1999-00 Doug Harkness
2000-01 Jim Fleming
2001-02 Bert Gauthier
2002-03 John Clarke
2003-04 Don Voisey
2004-05 John Meek
2005-06 Bill Elliott
2006-07 Larry Dee
8th Decade
2007-08 Chris Parkinson
2008-09 Cherryl Harvey
2009-10 Kathleen Meek
2010-11 Cory Jones
2011-12 Steve Cavell
2012-13 Sally Slumskie
2013-14 Ingrid Sproxton
2014-15 Susanne Zbinden
2015-16 Knut Holmsen
2016-17 Fred Murphy
9th Decade
2017-18 Scott Hughes
2018-19 Dave Proctor
2019-20 Richard Delongte
2020-21 Taunya Bailey
2021-22 Taunya Bailey*
2022-23 Charles McCabe
2023-24 Ingrid Sproxton*
(* indicates multiple terms as President)
Want to Join RCO?
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New members are welcome!