10 Reasons to Join Rotary
1. Friendship
In an increasingly complex world, Rotary provides one of the most basic human needs: the need for friends and fellowship. It is one of the two reasons why Rotary was founded in 1905.
2. Business Development
The second original reason for the founding of Rotary—everyone needs to network. Rotary consists of a cross-section of many businesses and professions in the community. Its members come from all walks of life. Rotarians help one another, and collectively help others.
3. Personal Growth and Development
Membership in Rotary continues one’s growth and education in human relations and personal development.
4. Leadership Development
Rotary is an organization of community and business leaders. Serving on Rotary committees and executive boards helps develop your full leadership potential, by learning how to motivate, influence and lead other leaders.
5. Citizenship in the Community
Membership in a Rotary club makes one a more active and engaged community citizen.
6. Continuous Learning
The Rotary meeting program is designed to keep members informed as to what is going on in the community, the nation and the world through a variety of speakers on different topics.
7. Enjoy!
Rotary offers the enjoyment of so many new experiences. Overcoming challenges, learning something new, doing good in the world, all contribute to increased enjoyment of life and a more positive societal perspective.
8. Public Speaking
Participation in Rotary helps develop confidence and skill with business and public communication.
9. Citizenship in the World
Every Rotarian wears a Rotary International pin. And every Rotarian is welcomed, in fact encouraged, to attend meetings at any of over 34,000 clubs in 200 plus countries. Rotarians are able to find instant connections in communities around the world.
10. Assistance when Traveling
Because there are Rotary clubs around the world, many Rotarians who have needed a doctor, lawyer, hotel, dentist, advice, etc. while traveling, have found someone quickly through Rotary.
If you’d like to learn more about Rotary International, the Rotary Club of Orangeville, or the Friends of Rotary, and how you can get involved, contact us.
Want to Join RCO?
Are you ready to serve? Thank you for your interest!
If you’d like to become a member of Rotary, contact us and let us know. We’ll invite you to attend one of our club meetings so you can learn more about Rotary and your membership options.
New members are welcome!